Our brothers and sisters at Starbucks and Trader Joe's are fighting corporate arrogance to win dignity and a voice. Many have been illegally fired and need our help. Food shelf donations are critically needed to help them and others in our community who are struggling.
As many of you know from experience, sexual harassment is a huge problem in the hotel industry. Some members of the City Council are coming to our union HQ this Thursday at 7:30pm to hear our concerns. We will press them to require Minneapolis hotels to provide panic buttons to all housekeeping and room service staff. We need your powerful stories and your support!
Come help rally support for workers at The Zinnia who are negotiating a new contract. Meet at the local union hall this Saturday at 3:00p.m. We will march to The Zinnia and picket! The union makes us strong!
Our brothers and sisters who are immigrant workers have been unfairly fired from the nonunion Ditchburn Suites Hotel as they fight for unionization. Do not let the Ditchburn owners think they can get away with this blatant abuse of human and workers rights! There will be a candelight vigil and rally at the Ditchburn Suites Hotel next Tuesday at 7:00p.m. Come join us as we fight for justice and solidarity!
Mark your calendar for next month's National Day of Action for racial justice. Join with civil rights groups, national advocacy groups, and many others to show your support for racial justice. This year's theme is "Less Talk, More Action." Watch this space for more details.